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Working with our colleagues around the world, Mi-Tech Tungsten Metals is on the forefront of the heavy metal industry. We currently associate with the following organizations:

Metal Powder Industries Federation

Representing the entire Powder Metallurgy field, the MPIF is a federation of six separate trade associations:

  • Powder Metallurgy Parts Association (PMPA)
  • Metal Powder Producers Association (MPPA)
  • Powder Metallurgy Equipment Association (PMEA)
  • Metal Injection Molding Association (MIMA)
  • Refractory Metals Association (RMA)
  • Advanced Particulate Materials Association (APMA)

Although each association has slightly different goals and objectives, all of the members of the MPIF share a vision to advance metallurgical technology and advance the metal powder industry.


Refractory Metals Association

One of the six trade associations comprising the MPIF, the RMA works to expand and promote the use of refractory metals (tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, columbium, chromium, rhenium, vanadium, boron, hafnium, cobalt, and the rare earth metals, principally cerium, lanthanum and yttrium).


American Society for Metals

Though it was originally founded to share information and further technology in the steel industry in the United States, ASM currently promotes the study, development and use of several engineered materials including: composites, plastics, ceramics and electronic materials.

Domestic Manufactured Quality Tungsten Metal Products.
Excellent Customer Service.